Why do we have to keep on washing?

Question of the month

In the morning, when we wake up, we wash at least our face with a bit of water.  You might use some soap.  Some like soap that has a nice perfume.  It’s pleasant both for us and the people around us.  At least it’s better than smelling foul.  The same goes for our teeth, our hands, feet, our whole body…even our hair.

You can be poor, have worn-out clothes, but still be clean!

We can wash in the shower, in the river, in a basin with water from the tap.

We can wash outside in the rain.  (I saw that happen in Africa!)

Water is a blessing from God, for our benefit.

We have to keep our bodies clean to avoid certain diseases, and take care of ourselves for the sake of other people around us.

One day, a little girl was in the bath and said to her mum, “I can wash all over with water and soap, but nobody can wash my heart, except Jesus!” She was spot on correct.

Bad thoughts come from our heart:  the desire to lie, to steal, to cheat, to hit others, and to want everything for ourselves.  And bad thoughts lead to bad actions and bad behaviour.

Our heart made of flesh is in our chest and we can feel it beating.  It allows the blood to get to every part of our body.  But God speaks to us about the thoughts of our heart.  When we say, “I love you with all my heart.”, it is these heart-thoughts we’re talking about.  We even make drawings of hearts!

How then do we really get washed, and all the bad thoughts taken away?  Only one way:  Jesus!  Why?  Because Jesus has taken our bad thoughts, our sins, when his blood flowed on the cross.

The blood of Jesus makes us clean, completely pure, no stain left behind; he takes away all ours sins…if we ask him to.

It is a pleasure and normal to wash our bodies well, but don’t ever forget that your heart, your thoughts, and your actions should be pure, without a stain, thanks to Jesus, thanks to your blood .

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