Question of the month

Question of the month2020-10-12T14:22:04+02:00

Sais-tu déjà le métier que tu aimerais faire plus tard? Pourquoi?

Yaël wrote to us that he would like to be a policeman but he doesn't really know why yet. _______________________________________________________ Often children think about doing a particular job: baker, nurse, mechanic, engineer, teacher, pilot, sailor, firefighter, secretary.... It's good to already have an idea. ___________________________________________________ Generally parents also have

What’s the difference between Father Christmas and Jesus?

Well this is a great question but the answers changes depending on the adult. Every child must know how to respond to this when they are asked the question. First of all I am going to explain the meaning of the word ‘Christmas’, it is a shortened form of Christ’s Mass. ___________________________________________ Christmas,

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