These days, thanks to information we get from television, newspapers, and other sources (Facebook etc…), we know what is happening in almost every country of the world.
We know that the different Covid vaccines do not give the same level of protection.
In Europe, it seems there are fewer and fewer people contracting the virus. In India, however, the situation is still serious. In Africa, no-one really knows how many cases there have been, and hospitals are not very well equipped to fight the disease. In North America, things seem to be better, but this is not the case in South America. We all need to be careful as things are changing extremely quickly.
We get news from around the world, no matter whether it is not so good news or whether it is the best news.
But, do we know the Good News, the best news? The news that does not change: it is the promise of Jesus.
Before going back to heaven, Jesus, the only son of God, the only one who has truly proved His love for us, promised, “I will be with you every day until the end of the world”…
…Even during this massive world crisis. You can pray, talk with Him. He is there, close-by, next to you.